Common causes of problems affecting nozzle spray

The nozzle needs maintenance, regular inspection, cleaning and even replacement, so as to ensure the final product quality and maintain the economic benefits of the production process. The manner and frequency of the repair procedure depends on the application. The maintenance plan can be arranged according to the use, liquid and nozzle material.
There are seven common causes of nozzle spray problems:
1.Corrosion and wear: the material on the surface of nozzle nozzle and internal flow channel gradually becomes larger or deformed, thus affecting the flow, pressure and spray shape.
2. Corrosion: the spray solution or the chemical action of the environment causes corrosion and damages the nozzle material.
3. Blocking: dirt or other impurities in the liquid block the nozzle mouth, thus limiting the flow of the nozzle and interfering with the shape and uniformity of the spray.
4. Adhesion: splashing, fog or chemical accumulation on the materials inside or outside the nozzle edge caused by liquid evaporation can leave a dry solidification layer and block the nozzle mouth or internal flow channel.
5.Temperature damage: overheating will cause certain damage to nozzle materials designed for non high temperature applications.
6.Incorrect installation: washers that deviate from the axis, over tightening or other problems that change the position can have adverse effects.
7.Accidental damage: during installation and cleaning, the nozzle may be accidentally damaged due to the use of incorrect tools.

Post time: May-31-2022